Purple, Green and Yellow by Robert Munsch
I would have to say this is my favorite book of all time. What drew me to this book were the pictures and all the colors. The lemons that were yellower than lemons, the roses that were redder than roses and oranges that were oranger than oranges. I also was drawn to the book because there is a girl who has these super indelible never come off till your dead or maybe even later coloring marker who was only supposed to draw on paper. She was not supposed to draw on herself but it was too hard for her so then she just colored her fingernails, then her hands, then her face and then all over her body. She washed her hands for 30 minutes and it wouldn't come off. She used the color that looked just like her but her mom noticed when she washed her hands and the pale color came off. After she went to the doctor and took the orange pill she was invisible but she used the pale color to color herself in again.
I think this book is very imaginative and creative with color that catches the eye on each page. The one thing that I realized about this book is how the child acts about the markers she wants. It tells children that it is okay to beg and beg for what you "want" and don't "need" and the mom will go out and get it for you. I think it shows how society is today. How children will get anything they want if they keep begging for it.
I think you provided really great insight into today's society about children getting whatever they want. I do not know if I would have necessarily made that connection after reading the book. I know so many kids in todays world that are consumed by whatever they want. This would be a great thing to discuss in the classroom, because not everyone gets what they want and one should be privileged to have the things they do have! Thanks for sharing.