Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
This book is about a little boy who lives with his grandma and he wants one pair of shoes that everyone has! But the problem is they don't have enough money for two pairs of shoes only new boots for winter. When his shoes fall apart on the playground Mr. Alfrey gives him some blue shoes with a little animal on them and everyone laughs at them except for Antonio. One day him and his grandmother go to a thrift store and by the shoes with his own money. They are not his size but he buys them anyway so he can fit in. On the playground he sees that Antonio, the boy who didn't laugh at his blue animal shoes, has tape holding his own shoes together. After seeing his shoes he realized that Antonio needed those new black shoes that everyone had more than he did.
I really enjoy this book because it goes away from the "typical" children's book I have been reading. For example the Henry and Mudge series where mom is at home while dad works and they live in a nice house with a white fence that says: middle-class. This book also teaches children about how some people may not have the same benefits as they do. It shows them the importance of friendship but also realizing that someone out there has it worse off than you do. It's a great way to encourage and incorporate service learning or community service projects in your classroom as well. Because there are people who need specific things in life, like shoes.
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