The Polar Express by Chris Van Allsburg
This has to be one of my favorite books of all time! I went to the bookstore this weekend and I had to buy this book because there was just gobs of Christmas/Holiday/Winter books. I read this book with my family every christmas. I love the pictures they enhance the book and bring a sense of fantasy, excitement and hopefulness on every page. The snow, the lights, the buildings, the people make me feel like I am a kid again.
I know this book might not be able to be placed in the classroom but I do believe it has more than a Christmas meaning. It is about being a child and the beliefs and dreams that surround your everyday experiences. At the end of the book when the boy rings the bell and his sister and him hear the most beautiful sound in the world but the parents don't that is a key part for the parents but also the kids. It is also telling the parents allow them to believe and dream big because this is the time that they should be captivated in the wonders of childhood.
I've used this book in class. Just because it's related to a holiday doesn't mean we can't let kids access it--we just want to make a strong effort to bring in a variety of books about different holidays. The LAST thing we want to do is only bring in books about "other" cultures only as it makes it look like some are "normal" and others are "exotic." So use your beloved Polar Express (and other books) and enjoy!