Wait and See by Robert Munsch
Another great story from Robert Munsch that has extrondinary pictures that corelate extremely well with the text. I really enjoyed this book as a kid and remembered exactly what was going to happen. I believe these types of books really open up a childs mind not only to creativity as a writer but how wishes and dreams can come true. Maybe not from a birthday cake but by working hard. Another part of the book I enjoyed is when the parents made Olivia the birthday cake because they didn't like their wish but Olivia made a birthday cake because she didn't like her own wish when her Mom and Dad were fighting.
I really enjoy the repitition again in this book. Her parents always asked, "did you wish for one word?" Did you wish for two words?" "Did you wish for three words?" After the last question she would always answer yes! Becuase it just wasn't a little bit of snow, rain or money but A LOT of snow, rain and money. Another part of the book that was comical was the neighbors and how they were always sitting outside when these wishes came true.
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