The Busy Body Piece of Literature: A Kid's Guide to Fitness by Lizzy Rockwell
This is a non-fiction piece of literature about how the body is built to move. I chose this piece of literature because it explains the importance of movement, physical activity, and fitness. It breaks down how students are able to move by examining different parts of the body that provides the body to move. There are two different parts to the piece of literature. On one side there is information on a specific body part: bones, muscles, the heart, lungs, and stomach but then on the other side of the page is an outline of the body so they can relate their activities to the parts of the body that they use. Using this piece of literature allows the students to think an aspect of science. What do the bones, muscles, heart, lungs, and stomach do for our body and why they are important for movement? This also relates to injury and things that could happen to our body if we do not take care of them. It’s a way to see the body as different parts but then reconnect these parts to make a healthy active body.
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