The Monster Health Piece of Literature by Edward Miller
This is a non-fiction piece of literature is a guide to eating healthy. I chose this piece of literature because it takes eating healthy and breaks it down piece by piece. It begins explaining the food pyramid, which some students might even have an idea of the food pyramid or what it does. In this piece of literature it breaks down each part of the five food groups from the food pyramid. When describing each food group the authors give a description of where the food from the group mainly comes from, how much of the food in the particular group should someone eat, and examples in pictures and text of what types of food are part of the particular food group. There are also facts about each food group throughout the page. Breaking this down for students allows them to analyze their own eating patterns. What do they eat the most of? What do they need to eat more of? Do they eat too many fats? They will realize that all of these foods together make a healthy body. Another part of the piece of literature that even I examined closely was that they described how to read a food label. Some adults still do not know how to do that today. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn at a young age of how to count calories and selecting nutritious foods. Other topics that are discussed are information on what should we eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, health risks when the students don’t eat healthy, being active, sleep, different types of moods that are experiences, and saying no to bad health influences like drugs and alcohol. What also is important in this piece of literature is the section where it explains how each student’s weight is different and students shouldn’t compare weights in the classroom. This piece of literature is a great opportunity for students to get full detail of eating healthy and what that all involves.
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